Welcome to Love Unparalleled! This website is useful for those who desire to improve their most cherished relationships in accordance with the teachings of Christ as understood by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Having said that, we believe the concepts presented here will be useful to a broader audience of Christians and people of any faith tradition.
In addition to general relationship skills, this website contains information designed for specific groups of Latter-Day Saints including youth, parents, members contemplating marriage, the recently married and those who have been married for years or decades.
While we firmly believe that all the materials presented and referenced on this site accord with the doctrines espoused by the Church, there are some concepts that challenge the established, but often invisible, Church “culture” regarding relationships, particularly with respect to sexuality.
This site is neither authorized by or associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We are solely responsible for the content.